We highly recommend you take Gray Line or Airport Direct since they have a drop off and pick up at the hostel. You pay a bit extra for door to door pick up and drop off but you will save a lot of time and effort doing so.Once you have collected your luggage and entered through customs you will find their Passenger Pick-Up Staff in the arrivals hall.
Gray Line offers door to door drop off and pick up from B14 Hostel. When booking your ticket online select “B14 – Fákafen” as your location.
It’s important to select “B14 – Fákafen” since B14 is at three different locations in Reykjavík.

An option is to add a hotel connection in order to be dropped up or picked up at your accommodation.
Select B14 Hostel as your location when booking your ticket.


Public Transportation – The city bus (Strætó)
Buses has scheduled routes to/from the Keflavík International airport and to/from Reykjavík.
From Keflavik Airport you can take bus nr. 55 to BSÍ bus terminal. From BSÍ you can take nr. 3, 5 or 6 to B14 Hostel.
If you take bus nr. 3 or bus nr. 6 you go out at Skeifan bus stop.
If you take bus nr. 5 you go out at Mörkin bus stop.