Fiskmarkadurinn (Fish Market) is a top quality seafood restaurant, located in one of the oldest buildings in central Reykjavik. It was founded by Icelandic culinary team member Hrefna Rósa Sætran in 2007. Fish Market strives to provide original dishes with an Asian influence, using only the freshest ingredients Iceland has to offer each season. They buy their produce directly from farmers and fishermen, thereby guaranteeing sustainability as well as a top-quality culinary experience for the customer.
The Robata Grill is Fish Market’s specialty and the only one in Iceland. It uses high-quality Japanese charcoal that produces 1,200°C heat without smoke, double the heat of normal charcoal. The food on the Robata grill is quick fried, so it does not produce fumes or smoke. It sears in the juices and flavours while keeping the fish or meat tender.